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Incluster Code Execution#

The tablegpt-agent directs tablegpt to generate Python code for data analysis. This code is then executed within a sandbox environment to ensure system security. The execution is managed by the pybox library, which provides a simple way to run Python code outside the main process.


If you're using the local executor (pybox.LocalPyBoxManager), follow these steps to configure the environment:

  1. Install the dependencies required for the IPython Kernel using the following command:

    pip install -r ipython/requirements.txt
  2. Copy the code from the ipython/ipython-startup-scripts folder to the $HOME/.ipython/profile_default/startup/ directory.

    This folder contains the functions and configurations needed to perform data analysis with tablegpt-agent.

    Note: The ~/.ipython directory must be writable for the process launching the kernel, otherwise there will be a warning message: UserWarning: IPython dir '/home/jovyan/.ipython' is not a writable location, using a temp directory. and the startup scripts won't take effects.