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Code Sandbox#

tablegpt-agent directs tablegpt to generate Python code for data analysis. However, the generated code may contain potential vulnerabilities or unexpected errors. Running such code directly in a production environment could threaten the system's stability and security.

Code Sandbox is designed to address this challenge. By leveraging sandbox technology, it confines code execution to a controlled environment, effectively preventing malicious or unexpected behaviors from impacting the main system. This provides an isolated and reliable space for running code safely.

Code Sandbox built on the pybox library and supports three main execution modes:

  • Local Environment: Executes code in a local sandbox for quick deployment and validation.
  • Remote Environment: Create remote environments through Jupyter Enterprise Gateway to achieve shared computing.
  • Cluster Environment: Bypassing the need for proxy services such as Jupyter Enterprise Gateway by communicating directly with kernel pods.

Code Sandbox is designed based on the following key principles:

  • Security: Limits code access using sandbox technology to ensure a safe and reliable execution environment.
  • Isolation: Provides independent execution environments for each task, ensuring strict separation of resources and data.
  • Scalability: Adapts to diverse computing environments, from local setups to Kubernetes clusters, supporting dynamic resource allocation and efficient task execution.

Local Environment#

In a local environment, Code Sandbox utilizes the pybox library to create and manage sandbox environments, providing a secure code execution platform. By isolating code execution from the host system's resources and imposing strict permission controls, it ensures safety and reliability. This approach is especially suitable for development and debugging scenarios.

If you want to run tablegpt-agent in a local environment, you can enable the local mode. Below are the installation steps and a detailed operation guide.


To use tablegpt-agent in local mode, install the library with the following command:

pip install tablegpt-agent[local]


tablegpt-agent comes with several built-in features, such as auxiliary methods for data analysis and setting display font. These features are automatically added to the sandbox environment by default. If you need advanced customization (e.g., adding specific methods or fonts), refer to the TableGPT IPython Kernel Configuration Documentation for further guidance.

Creating and Running#

The following code demonstrates how to use the pybox library to set up a sandbox, execute code, and retrieve results in a local environment:

from uuid import uuid4
from pybox import LocalPyBoxManager, PyBoxOut

# Initialize the local sandbox manager
pybox_manager = LocalPyBoxManager()

# Assign a unique Kernel ID for the sandbox
kernel_id = str(uuid4())

# Start the sandbox environment
box = pybox_manager.start(kernel_id)

# Define the test code to execute
test_code = """
import math
result = math.sqrt(16)

# Run the code in the sandbox
out: PyBoxOut =

# Print the execution result

Example Output#

After running the above code, the system will return the following output, indicating successful execution with no errors:

data=[{'text/plain': '4.0'}] error=None

With Code Sandbox in local execution mode, developers can enjoy the safety of sandbox isolation at minimal cost while maintaining flexibility and efficiency. This lays a solid foundation for more complex remote or cluster-based scenarios.

Remote Environment#

In a remote environment, Code Sandbox uses the pybox library and its RemotePyBoxManager to create and manage sandbox environments. The remote mode relies on the Enterprise Gateway service to dynamically create and execute remote sandboxes. This mode allows multiple services to connect to the same remote environment, enabling shared access to resources.


If tablegpt-agent is used in remote mode, the first step is to start the enterprise_gateway service. You can refer to the Enterprise Gateway Deployment Guide for detailed instructions on configuring and starting the service.

Once the service is up and running, ensure that the service address is accessible. For example, assume the enterprise_gateway service is available at

Creating and Running#

The following code demonstrates how to create a remote sandbox using RemotePyBoxManager and execute code within it:

from uuid import uuid4
from pybox import RemotePyBoxManager, PyBoxOut

# Initialize the remote sandbox manager, replacing with the actual Enterprise Gateway service address
pybox_manager = RemotePyBoxManager(host="")

# Assign a unique Kernel ID
kernel_id = str(uuid4())

# Start the remote sandbox environment
box = pybox_manager.start(kernel_id)

# Define the test code
test_code = """
import math
result = math.sqrt(16)

# Run the code in the sandbox
out: PyBoxOut =

# Print the execution result

Example Output#

After executing the above code, the system will return the following output, indicating successful execution without any errors:

data=[{'text/plain': '4.0'}] error=None

Advanced Environment Configuration#

The RemotePyBoxManager provides the following advanced configuration options to allow for flexible customization of the sandbox execution environment:

  1. env_file: Allows you to load environment variables from a file to configure the remote sandbox.
  2. kernel_env: Enables you to pass environment variables directly as key-value pairs, simplifying the setup process.

To learn more about the parameters and configuration options, refer to the Kernel Environment Variables documentation.

Cluster Environment#

In a Kubernetes cluster, Code Sandbox leverages the KubePyBoxManager provided by the pybox library to create and manage sandboxes. Unlike the remote environment, the cluster environment communicates directly with Kernel Pods created by the Jupyter Kernel Controller, eliminating the need for an intermediary service like Enterprise Gateway.


Before using the cluster environment, you need to deploy the jupyter-kernel-controller service. You can quickly create the required CRDs and Deployments using the Deploy Documentation.

Creating and Running#

Once the jupyter-kernel-controller service is successfully deployed and running, you can create and run a cluster sandbox using the following code:

from uuid import uuid4
from pybox import KubePyBoxManager, PyBoxOut

# Initialize the cluster sandbox manager, replacing with actual paths and environment variable configurations
pybox_manager = KubePyBoxManager(
    env_file="YOUR_ENV_FILE_PATH",  # Path to the environment variable file
    kernel_env="YOUR_KERNEL_ENV_DICT",  # Kernel environment variable configuration

# Assign a unique Kernel ID
kernel_id = str(uuid4())

# Start the cluster sandbox environment
box = pybox_manager.start(kernel_id)

# Define the test code
test_code = """
import math
result = math.sqrt(16)

# Run the code in the sandbox
out: PyBoxOut =

# Print the execution result

Example Output#

After executing the code above, the following output will be returned, indicating successful execution without any errors:

data=[{'text/plain': '4.0'}] error=None

NOTE: The env_file and kernel_env parameters required by KubePyBoxManager are essentially the same as those for RemotePyBoxManager. For detailed information about these parameters, please refer to the RemotePyBoxManager Advanced Environment Configuration.

With the above configuration, you can efficiently manage secure and reliable sandboxes in a Kubernetes cluster, supporting flexible control and extension of execution results.